Jarrell ISD voters will have the opportunity to vote on new schools, expansions, and additional resources on May 6.
Proposition A: $324,607,052
Construction of two new elementary schools with a capacity of 900 students each.
Construction of a new middle school with a capacity of 700 students and ability for future expansion.
Expansion and Renovations to JHS, including designated spaces for Career & Technical Education (CTE), Fine Arts, and improvements to the Ag Barn and Gym.
Construction of a District Operations Center to serve as the Maintenance Facility and Transportation Center.
Technology infrastructure upgrades.
Safety and security improvements, including security cameras and access control.
New buses and white fleet.
Land for future school sites.
Updates to Paw Prints Child Development Center.
How were these projects determined? District needs and growth were studied by a diverse committee of JISD students, parents, staff, and citizens who determined these 10 projects as priorities. They presented this package to the Board of Trustees who voted unanimously to hold an election giving citizens the opportunity to vote on the Committee’s package.
What will these projects do for students?
These projects are included to relieve overcrowding in our schools, meet the capacity needs through the 2028/29 school year, and provide resources for our staff to serve current and future students.
A designated Career & Technical Education (CTE) addition and Fine Arts and Ag Barn improvements to JHS will create additional capacity while providing opportunities for students to receive hands-on, real world, technical skills that will serve them beyond high school.
As our district grows, so do our maintenance and transportation needs. This proposal includes a designated District Operations Center and additional buses to maintain our facilities and ensure reliable transportation for our students.
The safety and security of our Jarrell ISD family is our top priority. These projects will allow for additional cameras, access control for secure entry, and hardened spaces at all new campuses to ensure our students and staff have shelter in the case of inclement weather.
Updates to Paw Prints Child Development Center will enhance safety, accessibility, and resources for the Paw Prints Staff, children enrolled, and parents who entrust their children to JISD. As we grow, we aim to attract and retain quality teachers and staff to better enrich our students. Providing childcare at Paw Prints is one way to do just that.
Why another bond?
Click the chart to see learn more about growth.
Jarrell ISD voters will consider a school bond proposal on May 6, 2023. If passed, the elected Board of Trustees will have the authority to sell bonds to pay for the construction and renovation of school facilities. A bond authorization specifies the amount of bonds the district is authorized to sell. Bond sales may occur over a period of time with the date and amount of each sale determined by the Board on an as-needed basis.
Bonds do not cost the district anything until they are sold. Even though the voters approve the bond issue, costs are not incurred until the bonds are sold. Based on conservative assumptions, JISD is able to issue these new bonds, if approved by voters, without any increase to the Interest & Sinking (I&S) tax rate.