What about the 2021 Bond?
Jarrell ISD voters approved Proposition A with 72.9% voting in favor and Proposition B with 63.8% voting in favor.
PROPOSITION A: $116,625,000
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Construction of the district’s third elementary school (Double Creek Elementary School)
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Expansion of Jarrell Middle School
IN DESIGN: Expansion of Jarrell High School
COMPLETED: Expansion of the district transportation facility and additional buses.
COMPLETED/ONGOING: Technology Infrastructure Updates
COMPLETED/ONGOING: Safety and Security Upgrades
COMPLETED: Purchase Land for future school sites
COMPLETED: Athletic improvements at JHS including baseball and softball turf, covered batting cages, tennis courts lighting, and four additional tennis courts
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Reconstruction of the historic 1916 building to preserve its legacy
PROPOSITION B: $1,745,000
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Additional visitor seating and restrooms at the stadium
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: ADA accessibility improvements and sidewalks for access
• The JISD bond program is currently ahead of schedule.
• Baseball and Softball Turfing was completed almost a year ahead of schedule.
• 1916 Admin Building is scheduled to be completed almost 2 years early.
• The Transportation expansion of the parking lot was completed 1.5 years early.