What about the 2021 Bond?

Jarrell ISD voters approved Proposition A with 72.9% voting in favor and Proposition B with 63.8% voting in favor.


PROPOSITION A: $116,625,000

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Construction of the district’s third elementary school (Double Creek Elementary School)

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Expansion of Jarrell Middle School

IN DESIGN: Expansion of Jarrell High School

COMPLETED: Expansion of the district transportation facility and additional buses.

COMPLETED/ONGOING: Technology Infrastructure Updates

COMPLETED/ONGOING: Safety and Security Upgrades

COMPLETED: Purchase Land for future school sites

COMPLETED: Athletic improvements at JHS including baseball and softball turf, covered batting cages, tennis courts lighting, and four additional tennis courts

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Reconstruction of the historic 1916 building to preserve its legacy

PROPOSITION B: $1,745,000

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Additional visitor seating and restrooms at the stadium

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: ADA accessibility improvements and sidewalks for access


• The JISD bond program is currently ahead of schedule.

• Baseball and Softball Turfing was completed almost a year ahead of schedule.

• 1916 Admin Building is scheduled to be completed almost 2 years early.

• The Transportation expansion of the parking lot was completed 1.5 years early.

As promised during the campaign, the Jarrell ISD tax rate did not increase with the passage of the bond.